ZERO Project: Vertical Farming


  • Implementation started in 2021 
  • Total area: 200,000+ m²

In 2021, Victor Semenov, Chairman of the Supervisory Board of Belaya Dacha Group, acquired a stake in the Italian startup ZERO, an innovative project for vertical farming. 

The growing using ZERO’s unique technology was scheduled to start in spring 2022. After the completion of the first stage, the production capacity will reach almost 1300 tons of products per year with an area of 31,000 sq.m., grown out of soil, in a clean environment.

Modern, scalable technology will allow not only to replicate vertical farms but also to bring them to industrial capacity in a short time. Participation in the launch of ZERO startup will become a prototype of its own production site, which Belaya Dacha Group plans to launch in Russia in the comming years.

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